Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Expansion of Europe and China in the 15th Century

In the 15th century, the western and eastern sail technology was comparable. The mariner's compass, so crucial to navigation out of sight of land, was developed from the Chinese magnetized needle of the 8th century, and it traveled via land route to the Mediterranean where about the 12th century the Europeans or the Arabs developed the true mariner's compass (floating), but China soon received the improved model. 27 So both East and West had the mariner's compass in the 15th century.Stern post rudders, which are a significant advantage over steering oars in steering larger ships in tumultuous seas, were utilized in China as early as the 1st century A. D. These were not developed until about the 14th century in Europe, but stern post rudders were available to both East and West in the 15th century. Knowledge of wind and sea currents was considerably more advanced in the West by the Portuguese and Dutch than by the Chinese in the 15th century. 8 The West also had superior knowledge of celestial navigation, that advantage being shared by the Arabs; the Chinese were reduced to utilizing Islamic astronomers and mathematicians at the Imperial Observatory, but had not extended celestial work to the practical work of navigating as of yet. The Arab and the Portuguese cross-staff or balestilha developed in the 14th century, and the astrolabe for even better measurement of the angle of celestial objects in the early 15th century. 29 In military technology, both East and West had cannon, armor and horses.In summary, before the 15th century, the Chinese were ahead in oceangoing ship technology, with larger compartmented ships and efficient fore-and-aft lugsails on multiple masts. In the 15th century, the Chinese and the Europeans were in rough overall parity. The Chinese were ahead in ship size and hull construction, and the Portuguese were ahead in the arts of navigation, and there was parity in sail technology (the Chinese with battened lugsails, the Portuguese with latee n sails). Neither had a distinct overall advantage.Both were technologically capable of great voyages of discovery, mercantile enterprise, and colonization. In tracing the developments, what is distinctive is that the rate of progress in nautical technology of the West was considerably faster than that of the East. By the 16th century, the West was clearly superior in ocean-going maritime technology (especially considering the regression that occurred in China due to policy influences). During the fifteenth century, Europe began a process of nprecedented expansion that by 1650 had affected all areas of the world. This was actually part of a global tendency towards complexity among many human societies. Matching the empires of the Aztecs, the Inca, and the West Africans were rising states on the Eurasian fringes such as Japan or the European monarchies in England, France, Spain, and Portugal. In Eurasia, developing navigational technology, along with expanding trade, encouraged long sea voyages by Arabs, Japanese, Chinese, and Europeans.But only the Europeans linked up all the continents in a new global age, when sea power, rather than land-based armies, was the main force in empire-building. Overseas expansion was obviously related – both as cause and effect – to the European transition from medievalism. The Crusades and the Renaissance stimulated European curiosity; the Reformation produced thousands of zealous religious missionaries seeking foreign converts and refugees seeking religious freedom; and the monarchs of emerging sovereign states sought revenues, first from trade with the Orient and later by exploiting a new world.Perhaps the most permeating influence was the rise of European capitalism, with its monetary values, profit-seeking motivations, investment institutions, and constant impulse toward economic expansion. Some historians have labeled this whole economic transformation â€Å"the Commercial Revolution. † Others have used the phrase in a narrower sense, referring to the shift in trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. Interpreted either way, the Commercial Revolution and its accompanying European expansion helped usher in the modern era.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Childcare Cache Level 3 Unit 1

Unit 1 An introduction to working with children E1 and E2 Statutory Statutory is funded by local and central government. It is free for children to go and schools are compulsory, so children have to go. Hucklow primary school is for children aged 4-11. It follows the national curriculum. The school hours are from 8:45 to 3:00pm. They help children that need additional learning and extra tuition in English and Maths so that they can achieve the best they can do. They have a playground for the children to play. They have equipment out at break and lunch times for children to be imaginative and creative with the equipment.They promote healthy eating by cooking their own food. They have a range of after school clubs. The school will educate the children. It allows the parents to go to work. The parents know that they are in a safe place. Voluntary Voluntary services are often funded by charities. At Longley 4G community centre people can volunteer. They get the money from charities. Ther e is a play group called Longley little ones where carers with children under 5 years. It is every Monday. It is ? 1 per family. There are toys for them to play with like slides, sand trays, play dough and much more. There are healthy snacks and hot drinks for the adults. Related essay: Childcare Level 2, Unit 1 AssignmentThey also have the Longley wrigglers for carers with new born babies to pre-walkers and pregnant families, on a Wednesday. Older siblings can come along too. There are other activities like sports activities, rounder’s and football for 8-16 years old and Zumba and Street Dance. It brings the community together. The parents can help each other. The parent can make friends with the other parents. Private They are profit making organisations. Monkey business it is a huge play area for children aged 0-12 years old. It has two areas, one for over 5’s and one for under 4’s. The over 5’s is a huge place for kids to play in.In the under 4’s there is soft toys for them to play with. It got a ball pool for the kids. It is open all week from 9:30- 6/7pm. The parents can relax as they know the children are in a safe place. The parents can catch up with their friends. E3 The United Nations Convention on the Righ ts of the Child. UNCRC. 1989. This legislation is an international treaty which almost every country in the world has signed. Children and young people under 18 years the UNCRC applies to them. In this legislation children have the right to be with their families that will care for them or someone who will be best to care for them.They have a right to clean water and food. A fairly good standard to live in. They have right to health care. They have the right to play. They have a right not to be hurt and neglected, to be kept safe. They have a right not to be used as cheap workers and disabled children have the right to special care and training. Children’s Act 1989. The Children’s Act 1989 gives all children the right to survive, to achieve the best they can do, to be protected from any abuse, to take part in the family culture and the social life of the family, to have their views taken seriously, play and rest, to enjoy the leisure’s they have.The Childrenâ₠¬â„¢s Act was developed in 2004 when the five outcomes in the Every Child Matters (ECM) legislation for every child in the UK. The Children’s Act was also upgraded in 2006, where local authorities had to improve the outcomes of all the children that are under 5 years. Help the people with the poorest outcomes to make sure the services are available. The local authorities to make sure the needs of working parents especially the ones with disabled children and people on low incomes are met. Every Child Matters. Every Child Matters is connected to The Children’s Act 2004.It was set out improve the way they work with children and young adults. It is so that they can grow up to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, making a positive contribution and achieving economic wellbeing. E4 There are loads of principles and values that are there when working with children. There are five outcomes they are being healthy, staying safe, enjoy and achieve, making a positive contribu tion and achieving economic wellbeing. Every Child Matters is a programme that has changed how the children’s services ran. It helped them resolve problems earlier in life before it got more serious.The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) it helps children get ready for school. The children are taught the basic skills. It helps them with their communication, social and emotional, physical and personal development. They have a progress check at the age of two so the children will get additional support before they start school. The new framework uses clear language. It strengthens partnership with the professionals and the parents. E5 You can value and respect the children by smiling at them, saying hello when they come in, talking to the parents about them.Getting stuff for them that they may want, letting them go and play. Helping them when they need it, talking to them and helping them to get ready for things like painting, going outside and getting ready to leave. All this will make them feel equal to everyone else as they will see that you are helping them and others. They will feel more confident in what they are doing as they will know they are doing is right or they will ask if you are stuck and when you get more confident they will get more self-esteem when you praise them for doing good.They will also feel more valued when you are doing something with the children. E6 Caring is an important skill when working with children because it shows that you are approachable as they will come to you easily. You are gentle and kind, you are considerate e. g. feelings and that you are thoughtful. Another important skill is communication. There are four different types of communication that are useful with working with children, they are verbal, body, written and sign. This will develop their communication skills for now and later in life.Being and effective team player can help your work with children as you can support each other, you can share ideas and listen to others, you will support the children and it teacher’s children to be a good team player. E7 There are lots of study skills that you can do to support your learning. There are different types of learning styles. There is visual learner where they see and watch something to help them learn, they see pictures in their heads as a demonstration, and they will recognise faces better than names. Auditory learner is someone that is good at speaking and listening.They talk about what they are writing. It is unusual for them to notes. Kinaesthetic learner are people that learn by doing things like practical lessons, they are not really that organised. I am a read and write person, that means handouts are better for me to learn, from the information I have, I take notes and put it into my own words. To help you with your learning you need to use time management. This is when you use a calendar, diary or planner so that you know what assignments need to be completed. You need to manage time the time to achieve the task you have planned.You could put this in the order of importance like which assignment you need to hand in first. You could also make lists, ask others to help you, make target that are sensible and that you are honest with you and others. Another form of study skills is doing your own research. This is quite important. You could use all the research that is available to you like books and the internet. The library is the best place for research as it has got all the stuff you needs that will help you like books, reference books, videos, DVD and the internet.There is other information you may need that is in the library that can help you with your study. Evaluation is a study skill you will learn over time as when you observe or read about your own words you will need to evaluate this. You would need to analyse the information, them come to a good conclusion that you can state. This is difficult for some people but it gets easier soon enough D1 Practitioners should develop and maintain a appropriate relationship with the parents of the children and other professionals you work with because the parents need to trust you to look after their child and if you don’t use ppropriate relationship, the parent may not trust you with their child. You will need to be aware of your roles and responsibilities when working with children. Relationships are important with parents. This will benefit the children. The parents know their child the best and they understand them more than anyone else. The parents will feel more valued and more involved with their child. The practitioner must work in a professional way so that the needs and welfare of the child are the best. When doing this the children will learn about good relationships.The other colleagues and you need to feel supported. With the parents, they have rights to make choices about their child and any decisions concerning with their child’s education. So when you have daily contact with the parents you show a professional impression on yourself and the job you are doing. You should also keep parents involved about their child’s activities they are doing and you should try and encourage the parents to contribute in their child’s learning. D2 A multi-agency team are people from different jobs that come together to support the children and their families. It is essential that everyone working with children and their families communicates well and understands their roles and responsibilities’ (child care and education, Tassoni P). The people who work alongside each other to support the children and their families are childminder, nanny, teachers, health visitors, speech and language therapist, childcare advisers, social workers, play workers, portage workers, occupational therapists, dieticians, specialist teachers, outreach workers, nursery nurses, nurses and doctors, members of a voluntary organisations, polices (welfare officers) and child protection officer.It’s getting people together to help the children in need it makes sure that everyone is around for the child. They are there for the benefit of the children. It improves communication with everyone involved as everybody will know what the others are doing. It keeps it focus on the child or young person at all time. It will improve the information sharing in the team. It makes accessing support easier for the children and their families. It will help children’s progress develop more. They will share information to each other to help and support the children. It will put the parents of the children in touch with the right people.The common assessment will see if the child any help with something. They give children all round needs support. They will make sure children can talk to the professionals about their problems in a comfortable setting. Re-submission C We should listen to children’s views and value their opinions bec ause it is their learning. They will feel more respected and feel equal to the other children because they know that you care what they are thinking. The children’s confidence and their self-esteem will grow.The children are all individual and they all learn in different ways and at different speed. Listening to the children will fit the education around the needs of the children. The children know how they learn best and they feel more appreciated when you listen to them. B Practitioners need to understand the limits and boundaries when working with children. They need to understand that they need to follow the policies and procedures when in a work place like the health and safety. Partnership with parents or carers is key because they know their child best and you need to respect their views.Safeguarding is important so that all practitioners should have a valid criminal record bureau (CRB) when they are working with children. This will ensure the safety and welfare of the child. You should always keep information you have learned about a child confidential as they could be in danger or hiding away from someone. This can be broken if the welfare of the child is at risk. If information is shared on a need to know basis is should be within work. For early years practitioners should and must work is that will recognise and the respond to the human rights of all children everywhere, no matter who they are.The Children’s Act 2004 made ‘Every Child Matters’ the law so every practitioners have to follow it and the five outcomes . All employees have the responsibilities to care for the children. The welfare of the child is the most important thing. You should always contribute to the children’s care, learning and development. Re-submission A A child central approach is when they have the freedom to choose what they want to do. It gives them the experience, to explore and to ask questions about what they have found. ‘All pract ice with children needs to be centred upon the needs and interests of each child’. child care and education, Tassoni, P). ’With the child at the centre, taking into account the perspective of the child’. (child care and education, Beaver, M). It makes sure that the child is put first before anything and anyone else. The school education system to fit the child need of the child around the child as every child learns in their own pace and learns in different ways. It is helping the children develop more in their education. Every child is individual, no child is the same and child central approach supports that of the child.This it focus on the child and nothing else so that the child’s wellbeing and interests are at the centre of all the practice. This will help in the child’s confidence and esteem in themselves. The children learn best when they are doing an activity. When planning an activity you need to make sure it is child centred and from prev ious experience so the child will develop more. E8 References and bibliography Beaver, M (2008). Child Care and Education. Cheltenham: Thornes, N. P543. Tassoni, P (2007). Child Care and Education. Essex: Heinemann. P11 and p234.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Study Of The Coca-Cola Brand Using Maslow Hierarchy Of Needs Theory

A Study Of The Coca-Cola Brand Using Maslow Hierarchy Of Needs Theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory has existed for many decades and it is used to describe human beings behaviour and needs The theory describes how people have well defined needs which they desire to fulfil according to different degree of emergency. Physiological need is the first stage or the basic need stage which includes food, clothing, shelter, air and sex. Physiological needs are the factors that human beings cannot exist without and therefore they must be met (Lee, 2011). Moreover, the next step is the need of safety or security iswhere a person needs to feel secure or no harm can occur to him.The need of affiliation is another step where a person desires to interact with fellow human beings. The higher step in the hierarchy is the need for esteem where a person feels the need to be appreciated by people around him as a valuable person. The need for esteem may occur in a family setting or in a group in which one exists. The need for esteem may occur in an organization which the individual works in. An individual’s esteem may be fulfilled through recognition by status, sex, performance, experience, duration in which the person has been in the organization or by bonuses. The final stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the indispensablerequirement of self-fulfilment which shows a person’s desire to use all the abilities one has to reach the supreme level that can be reached to feel satisfied and comfortable (Dima, Man , Kot, 2010) . From the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the Coca-Cola company products and the brands can be classified in self-fulfilment or accomplishment level (Donovan, 2003). This is because these beverages are not a necessity, but are used to achieve a need of fulfilment or luxury. Consumers use these commodities to make their lives more comfortable. Conclusion The Coca-Cola Company is a known brand in Australia and it offers a variety of brands. Consumers use the five step process in making decisions on which products to buy by comparing the Coca-Cola products to other substitute products in the market before arriving to the decision of purchasing the products offered by theCoca-Cola Company. The factor that may mostly influence decision making in buying the products is the financial status of the consumer. This is because most people may not afford them therefore, foregoing the products or opting for a cheaper option. In the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the products can be classified in the self-fulfilment level since they are just needed to make the consumers more comfortable.

Food Lion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Food Lion - Research Paper Example verseas; currently being represented in over 70 countries and seeking to integrate with the Midwestern and Western markets of grocery retail; rather than forever being attributed to the southeast/mid Atlantic region. The mission statement of Food Lion reads as follows: â€Å"Food Lions mission is to ensure that we remain the low price leader in the supermarket industry without compromising quality or customer satisfaction† (Delhaize, n.d.). Naturally, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary for the human resources Department/organization to ensure that the needs of employees are met, a culture is defined, and effective policies which relate to this mission statement can be trained on and affected. Rather than understanding Food Lion’s mission statement as something of a separate issue to human resources, it must be understood and appreciated that human resources are integral in seeking to accomplish the goals that the mission statement sets forward. Assess the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.). Recommend an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.   The core problem that Food Lion faces is the fact that it primarily hires low wage earners that have very few marketable skills. As a direct result of this, Food Lion experiences an extraordinarily high turnover rate; as individuals soon a look for other jobs that are more lucrative based upon the skills and valuable work experience that have gained while working at Food Lion. This extends not only to individuals responsible for inventory control, customer relations, and warehouse work, it encompasses the full gamut of logistics and supply that the Food Lion brand leverages each and every day as a function of encouraging further profitability. However, rather than coming to accept the fact that Food Lion is due to continually experienced high turnover rates from these low-wage earners, there are human

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Genetic Health information Critical thinking questions Assignment - 1

Genetic Health information Critical thinking questions - Assignment Example 4). The genetic code found in our DNA, has many potential insights for individual resistances and susceptibilities to diseases. The HGP is quite distinct from other biomedical research because it has been defined by a series of very quantifiable and concrete goals. For example, it has been used to construct physical and genetic maps. These maps have been used as vital research tools and have proved to be invaluable in determining more than 100 genes involved in diseases such as achondroplasia, breast cancer, colon cancer, and Huntington disease. HGP has simplified the human genetic code as well as animals and plants in a four-letter alphabet. These chemical constituents of each DNA molecule are A (adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine) and T (thymine). The project has been able to explain that there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in each human cell, and each contains millions of these nucleotides. Through the project, it has been proved that there are 3 billion nucleotides. Studies on these chromosomes have been used clinically to explain to expectant mothers if they are going to give birth to a baby boy or girl. HGP has led to improved techniques of genetic screening for various diseases before birth. A genetic library has been created. This library contains genetic information of relatively homogeneous regions in human DNA. Therefore, individuals do not have considerable variability at this locus. If it is found out that a genetic disease is produced from a specific allele or mutation being present, screening can be done to identify who the individuals are. It is now possible to determine the chances that a child might inherit genetic disorders associated with parents by analyzing the parental gamete DNA. This has allowed genetic disorders to be corrected before birth. Research is also being carried on rapid selection and insertion of DNA into human individuals; these may soon lead to reproduction

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Bx3082 part2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Bx3082 part2 - Essay Example The main barriers to entry are represented by the legislative requirements as per the Appellation dorigine contrà ´là ©e and the relevant business requirements. These issues will be addressed according to the requirements, and in conjunction with the Invest in France Agency, which will add valuable insight and assistance to establishing within the Burgundy region. The selected geographical location of operations stand to benefit in terms of reduced distribution costs by virtue of the existing location and infrastructure, whilst the staggered approach to location and facility development alleviates mass capital cash flow and enables the suitable implementation over the defined period. The selection of the Premier and Grand Cru farms, together with a professional winemaker and team, allow the company to produce a differentiated high quality Pinot Noir wine that can be marketed to the discerning individual and upper class establishments, ensuring the brand positioning within the competitive wine

Friday, July 26, 2019

Show the microeconomic principles involved in Ford Motor Companies Term Paper

Show the microeconomic principles involved in Ford Motor Companies recovery in the auto market compared to other American automa - Term Paper Example In addition, the microeconomic principle of competition has separately been taken into consideration as it would significantly help in identifying the recovery of the company in comparison to other American automakers. Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company (Ford) is one of the leading auto makers in the global automotive industry. The company operates firmly in two sectors i.e. the automotive industry and the financial services. The company is known to manufacture and distribute the vehicles across six continents. During the year 2012, the company sold approximately 5,668,000 cars in the automotive segment (The New York Times, 2013). As a result, the company was provided with an opportunity to earn $126,567 mn in revenues. The two most prominent brands that the company has to offers include Ford and Lincoln. In addition, the F-series trucks have also played an essential in the growth and success of the company in the local and international world (Ford, 2012). The mission statement o f the company clearly states that Ford aims to provide the customers with quality cars across the continents. This has significantly helped the organization in providing satisfaction beyond the imagination of the customers. To provide the customers with best quality cars, the company maintains mutual relationship with the essential dealers, suppliers and other business associates (The New York Times, 2013). Microeconomic Principles Needs and Wants Ford is one of the leading vehicle manufacturing organizations that focus highly on meeting the needs and wants of the customers. To effectively do so, the company design, build and sells cars along with utilities and trucks to provide the global customer base with vehicles that could satisfy the needs of the customers. Customers are the most crucial factors for the survival and growth of the organization across the globe due to which the needs and wants are taken into consideration in all the products and services offered by the company. Moreover, the company has always focused on meeting the needs of the customers by designing vehicles that cover the full spectrum of global automobile requirement. This significantly helps in attracting the customers towards the brands that Ford has to offer. As a result, the company is constantly provided with an opportunity to meet the needs and wants of the customers through variety of cars, utilities and trucks in the domestic, national and international market (Ford, 2012). Profits Profit is the foremost consideration of Ford. In earlier years of financial and economic crisis in United States, the company’s profit level declined significantly. With the passage of time, the company was consistently provided with opportunities to enhance the level of profits by attracting and selling the customers with quality cars, utilities and trucks (Ford, 2012). The company aims to enhance the performance of the company across the globe which will provide the company with significant opportunities to enhance its profit levels. Due to the constantly rising demands of the cars, utilities and trucks in the local and international market, the company reported significant increase in the level of profits. In the year 2010, the company reported net income of $6.6 billion in comparison of $2.7 billion in the year 2009 (Esch, 2011). The method of intra-platform price discrimination is one of the prominent methods used by Ford to optimize the profits of the company. The company is continually providing the customers with fuel efficient cars to enhance the financial strength of the company. This has significantly allowed the organization to attract the customers in the market which will

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Green Business - Sony Corp Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Green Business - Sony Corp - Research Paper Example It has a global market in all its six major categories of products audio, video, televisions, information and communications, semiconductors and electronic components. The Sony Group is primarily focused on the Electronics (such as AV/IT products & components), Game (such as PlayStation), Entertainment (such as motion pictures and music), and Financial Services (such as insurance and banking) sectors. Not only does it represent a wide range of businesses, but it remains globally unique. Its aim is to fully leverage this uniqueness in aggressively carrying out their convergence strategy so as to continue to emotionally touch and excite customers. Sony Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and sells electronic equipment, instruments, and devices for consumer, professional, and industrial markets worldwide. The company offers consumer products and devices, including televisions, video cameras, compact digital cameras and digital single-lens reflex cameras, Blu-ray Disc players/re corders, DVD-video players/recorders, home theaters and audio systems, and portable audio and car audio products. It also provides charged coupled devices, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor image sensors, system LSIs, small- and medium-sized TFT LCD panels, and other semiconductors; and components, such as batteries, optical disk drives, chemical products, audio/video/data recording media, storage media, and optical pickups. In addition, the company develops, produces, markets, and distributes games, such as PlayStation3, PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation 2 hardware and related software; and PCs and flash memory digital audio players, as well as manufactures broadcast- and professional-use products, Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, and CD discs. Further, it produces and distributes motion pictures and television programs, and home entertainment; creates and distributes digital content; operates a channel network and studio facilities; and develops entertainment products, services, and technologies. Additionally, the company engages in the music publishing business, as well as provision of various financial services, including insurance, savings products, loans, leasing, and credit financing services; and a network service business and an advertising agency business. It also involves in research, development, design, production, marketing, sales, distribution, and servicing mobile phones, accessories, services, and applications. Vision The Sony Group Environmental Vision presents a philosophy and principles for environmental management activities throughout the global Sony Group with the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. Since enacting the Sony Global Environmental Policy which is a predecessor of the Sony Group Environmental Vision and the Environmental Action Program, in 1993, Sony has pursued a broad range of environmental initiatives. Philosophy Sony recognizes the importance of preserving the natural environment that sustains a ll life on the earth for future generations and thereby ensuring that all humanity can attain a healthy and enriched life. In order to realize such sustainable society,  Sony strives to achieve a zero environmental footprint throughout the lifecycle of its products and business activities. Principles The driving principles of Sony are to â€Å"reduce the environmental footprint and prevent environmental pollution throughout the li

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Steve Jobs and Mary Kay. The personal computer industry as a Case Study

Steve Jobs and Mary Kay. The personal computer industry as a competitive environment - Case Study Example On other hand, Mary Kay’s organisation is a network DSO where workers are legally independent thus they present a totally different context for the founder with regard to control and maintaining commitment (surname 135). Nevertheless, to enable us arrive at the decision that Steve Jobs and Mary Kay being different we use Weber’s definition of the elements that are requisite for charisma. Jobs was a visionary who sought to change the world through technology (Yoffie & Kwak 1) and most definitely manifested exceptional ability with regards to coming up with strategies that enabled Apple to make a turnaround from making losses of US$ 1.6 billion to making profits in five straight quarters. In addition to this Jobs, like Weber’s elements of charisma dictate, was able to demonstrate his ‘gift of grace’ through the continued success of his mission to turnaround Apple into a ‘happening’ brand. Mary Kay differs from Jobs in the sense that she was able to not only attract a following but also convert them into devotees of her way of working. Steve Jobs seems unable to transfer his ideals to his ‘charges’ in that he has to be present for his vision to be realized. Mary Kay on the other hand has been able to arguably transfer her vision to her followers to prepare them for succession. In a nutshell, we can argue that Steve Jobs is a strategy genius in so far as setting the direction for Apple to go while Mary Kay is more of an inspirational leader who attracts independent individuals and gives them the belief that they will succeed if they join her and follow her tenets. Historically, what were Apple’s major competitive advantages? Apple derived its competitive advantages from the following three unique attributes: technology leadership, proprietary technologies and its horizontal and vertical integration. Apple’s technological leadership is demonstrated several times through its early years. Good examples are: the Apple II that drove the PC industry to US$ 1 billion in annual sales in less than three years, and the Lisa – the first PC to use a graphical user interface and a point-and-click mouse in addition to having a windowing system that allowed multiple applications to run at the same time (Yoffie & Kwak 2). Apple consistently launched revolutionary products that set the bar for com puting. For Apple to retain its technological leadership it relied mainly on its proprietary technologies such as its superior capabilities in graphics, design and sound. Unlike its main rivals, Apple had its own proprietary operating system (OS) thus it could easily integrate it with its other software applications to enhance its users’ experience. In the case we are informed that Apple machines were simple machines that ordinary people could use straight from the box (Yoffie & Kwak 1) a competitive advantage that we can attribute to the seamless integration of all Apple software and hardware. The fact that Apple had its own proprietary technologies meant that the organization could increase its customer value proposition through bundling for example the Mac was sold bundled with an OS, Mac application software and other peripherals (Yoffie & Kwak 3). These made its products to be more versatile. Finally, we can argue that it would have been difficult for Apple to retain its technology leadership and proprietary technologies without its extensive horizontal and ve

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organizational Behavior - Essay Example Hence, it can be stated that OB accounts various interconnected dimensions of organizational performances such as motivation, diversity, team effectiveness, conflict and negotiation, decision-making, power and influence, organizational communication and culture (New Age International, n.d.). Emphasizing on the aforementioned major characteristics of OB, the discussion henceforth will intend to elaborate on my experiences with due regard to three specific dimensions of the conceptual framework, i.e. team effectiveness, organizational communication and motivation. Discussion Team Effectiveness Team effectiveness signifies that individuals who were involved in a single group and were functioning as a team have performed in an efficient manner towards the accomplishment of the common objectives. In today’s phenomenon, employees of an organization are essentially required to perform their assigned activities in a group or team for accomplishing the objectives of an organization eff iciently with a common motive or purpose majorly owing to the increasing complexities arising within the managerial sphere. The management of an organization is required to act as a leader for effective coordination of the activities of employees developing a clear view towards the goals (Duygulu & Ciraklar, 2008). The varied uniqueness of team effectiveness is to have a common goal or objective for the team with an open scope for communication among the participants. The decisions are to be taken in a cooperative manner within an environment of faith, as well as belief owing to which, a coordinated and interdependent team work becomes quite necessary. Hence, it can be stated that team work is an essential element for improving the performances of employees as well as building healthy relationship within an organization, as these features are mostly likely to augment organizational strengths to adopt changes more flexibly and therefore, successfully accomplishing the determined goal s or objectives (Duygulu & Ciraklar, 2008). Certainly, focusing on the criticality of the dimension, i.e. team effectiveness, various models or theoretical frameworks had been designed among which the GRPI Model has been one of the most versatile and realistic method to measures and control team performances within an organization. GRPI Model was introduced by Rubin, Plovnick and Fry (1977) which signifies Goals, Roles, Processes as well as Interpersonal Relationship. In accordance with the assumptions considered in the model, the members of the team should be aware of the goals or objectives which are to be accomplished. The members of the team should also be delegated with their roles as well as responsibilities unambiguously to perform the assigned activities. Processes related to decision making as well as resolving conflicts for steady flow of work and performance by the members also needs to be considered with due significance when measuring team performances as these activiti es shall fruitfully enhance interpersonal relationship among members and leaders (The Korn/Ferry Institute, 2009). Organizational Communication Organizational communication is a process through which information are exchanged among the

Effects of Alcohol Essay Example for Free

Effects of Alcohol Essay Alcohol is a depressant that affects your vision, coordination, reaction time, multitasking ability, judgment, and decision-making. How can you drive safely if you can’t see, think, and move around well and react quickly? Alcohol affects your ability to identify dangerous situations and make good decisions when you know danger is ahead, and it slows your reaction time even if you do make a good decision. In addition, having alcohol in the body while you’re driving messes up your distance and speed perception, making you see things farther or closer than they really are, or makes you feel like you’re driving the speed limit when you’re really speeding. You need quick decision-making, reflexes, accurate perception, and multitasking skills to drive well and safely. Even one drink can make you an unsafe driver. And remember, driving with any alcohol in your bloodstream or in your car is illegal if you’re under the age of 21. Overall Effects of Alcohol Short-term effects In low doses, alcohol produces: A relaxing effect Reduced tension Lowered inhibitions Poor concentration Slow reflexes Slow reaction time Reduced coordination Slower brain activity Sensations and perceptions that are less clear In medium doses, alcohol produces: Slurred speech Sleepiness Altered emotions Poor vision Sleepiness and disruption of sleeping patterns Increased urine production More blood flow to skin surface Lower core body temperature In high doses, alcohol produces: Vomiting Uncontrolled urination Uncontrolled defecation Breathing difficulties Passing out Alcohol poisoning Coma Possible death Long-term effects of alcohol Disrupts normal brain development; Liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver; Brain cells die, decreasing brain mass; Stomach and intestinal ulcers and destroyed organs; Blood pressure increases, causing heart disease, heart attack, or stroke; Male sperm production decreases; Lower levels of iron and vitamin B, causing anemia; Alcoholism; Death; and Fetal alcohol syndrome in unborn children.

Monday, July 22, 2019

When to use Adobe Photoshop Essay Example for Free

When to use Adobe Photoshop Essay Plain and simple, Photoshop is for creating and editing photos and raster (pixel) based art work. The program was originally developed as a tool to enhance photographs, but over time its functionality has developed to the point where it can be used to create: User interface designs Web pages Banner ads Video graphics Editing pictures for print Because there is so much information about Photoshop out there in the form of tutorials and guides, some people feel that it’s all you need – a one stop shop. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The problem is that there are instances when you don’t need to use Photoshop, and should in fact be using Illustrator or InDesign. Do not create logos with Photoshop – It’s a bad idea that will do nothing but cost you time and money. Again, Photoshop is pixel, or raster based. If you create a logo with it, the files that it creates can not be enlarged or manipulated in the same manner that an Illustrator-based logo can. Do not set type in Photoshop for print projects – For type to print at its clearest, it needs to be vector based; Photoshop exports type as pixels. Now, you can save your Photoshop files in as an .EPS file which allows you to export type as vectors, but still this is not a best practice, so just don’t do it. Adobe Photoshop There are a lot of tutorials on Adobe Photoshop. As a matter of fact, there are so many tutorials that focuses on Photoshop that many people contact me or comment on this site stating that there are not enough tutorials on Illustrator or Indesign. (One factual tidbit: My Illustrator tutorial section is the most popular page in the tutorials section according to Google Analytics. To be even more honest, it is the most popular page in the whole domain.) It is a good thing that there are a lot of tutorials on Photoshop, but there are some negative side effects within widely vast available information. These tutorials help you become an expert on this software, and to my honesty, that is how I learned most majority of the techniques with Photoshop. The problem: The vast information network on Photoshop tutorials also causes people to become â€Å"too comfortable† with Photoshop and tend to â€Å"try† to do everything with Photoshop alone. What is Photoshop? The most important thing to know about Photoshop is that it is a pixel based program. Photoshop was primarily created in the beginning as a photograph enhancing tool and not so much anything else like it is used today. Adobe has recognized that many users were starting to use Photoshop to create elaborate UI designs, web page graphics, banner ADs, text effects and more. Adobe then started rolling out features that help designers create images for print, web, motion graphics and so on. However, again, the problem is that there are certain times when Photoshop is not needed (gasp!) to create certain projects. Photoshop is generally used for: Photo enhancement/Photo color correction Software/Web/Mobile UI design Web graphics Motion graphics Special effects Common mistakes/misconceptions One common misconception is the idea that it is good to use Photoshop to create stationary systems and logo’s. For the sake of yourself, please take this idea outside the window. Let’s talk about business cards as an example. There is an alarming number of tutorials online that shows you how to create business cards in Photoshop. These are what I call â€Å"bad tutorials† that teaches you the wrong way of creating a business card. Despite the result and outcome of these tutorials being amazing, or perhaps you can even get it printed and it will look fine, it is a bad practice to get into an habit. Just because the result looks fine don’t mean the practice is the best way. First off Illustrator type is by far superior in print output than Photoshop is. Yes Photoshop can output type, and even in vector â€Å"paths†. Yes Photoshop can bring in vector objects as â€Å"smart objects†. Yes Photoshop can draw paths using the pen tool. But the most important thing out of all this is that IN THE END, it is outputted as pixel data. Yes I am aware that it also depends on the file output. For instance, .TIFF does not output vector data but does output layer information and transparency. But .EPS does support vector output, yet it still doesn’t mean this is the best practice to do so. So should you never use Photoshop to create business cards? There are times you actually want to use Photoshop to create business cards. When it is justified to use Photoshop for business cards and other print projects If your business cards contain any textures, photography, special effects, blurs (not that I am encouraging this), or any type of pixel based design, Photoshop is obviously the best way to go. However, remember to output ANY pixel based art work in 300 ppi resolution with CMYK color mode. Do not output it RGB. If you have Photoshop filters in your artwork, changing your work to CMYK mode, or even applying certain filters in CMYK mode seem to look desaturated or not look too good. The work around to this: Create all your special effects, filter effects, etc in RGB mode. Flatten the work (merge layers) after you feel that your work in Photoshop is complete, and change the color mode to CMYK. Again, you will regret not switching color modes to CMYK after you send it off to the printer. Your result will look significantly different than you hoped for. When you should never use Photoshop for print projects For the love of all things that you love, do not use Photoshop to set type in your print projects. It is important to note that I am not saying you should never use the type tool in Photoshop. I am stating that it is not a good idea to use it in print projects. Never use Photoshop to create logo’s. The obvious reason is because pixel data cannot be enlarged without distortion. If you create the logo in vector format, your logo will be scalable to any size forever.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Celebritys Rights to Privacy

Celebritys Rights to Privacy Do celebrities have rights to privacy? Should their private lives be open to press scrutiny? Please analyse Hello v Douglas, Campbell v MGN Ltd, A v B and Campbell v Frisbee. Please also mention cases that were referred to in the judgements of these cases, and the importance of data protection in answering this question. There is no express common law ‘tort of privacy’ in English law[1]. Rather, there is a generally recognised ‘right’ to privacy. In recent times, there has been much controversy surrounding the issue of privacy, and questions have been raised as to whether or not privacy should be expressly enforceable through the courts. Prior to the HRA 1998, a person could only bring an action against another for breach of confidence, trespass or defamation[2]. Grundberg[3] opines, ‘†¦Freedom of the press is the cornerstone of freedom of speech.’ However, it is the media that have had the biggest role to play in the discussions surrounding the right to privacy. Gibbons suggests that the issue now is deciding how far the interests of the media count against the introduction of a general law. He opines that the concept of privacy ‘†¦is not easy to elucidate and its priority in securing protection over other interests is not self-evident.’[4] Essentially, Gibbons affirms, privacy centres on the individual’s right to restrict the availability of information about him or herself. There have been attempts to pass bills in Parliament with the aim of introducing a statutory tort of privacy, all of which were unsuccessful. Government Committees and Royal Commissions have also recommended against the introduction of such a law on the basis that there would be an ‘unworkable definition of the tort.’[5] The Younger Committee Report on Privacy confirmed that they ‘†¦found privacy to be a concept which means widely different things to different people and changes significantly over relatively short periods. In considering how the courts could handle so ill-defined and unstable a concept, we conclude that privacy is ill-suited to be the subject of long process of definition through the building up of precedents over the years, since the judgements of the past would be an unreliable guide to any current evaluation of privacy.’[6] The absence of such a law was criticised in the case of Kaye v Robertson.[7] Gordon Kaye, an actor, had been in volved in a serious accident and was consequently admitted to hospital. Journalists from the Sunday Sport ignored notices to see a member of staff before visiting Kaye, and subsequently took photographs of him. Medical evidence was submitted, stating that Kaye was not fit to give interviews at that time and had no recollection of ever giving one in the first place. Consequently, Potter, J granted an injunction to prevent publication of the pictures and any accompanying story. Barendt and Hitchens assert that this particular case has been the subject of much analysis in recent times, and cite Professor Markesinis[8] who claimed that, ‘†¦English law, on the whole, compares unfavourably with German law†¦Many aspects of the human personality and privacy are protected by a multitude of existing torts but this means fitting the facts of each case in the pigeon hole of an existing tort†¦it may leave a deserving plaintiff without a remedy.’[9] In October 2000, an express right to privacy finally broke into English law by virtue of the Human Rights Act 1998. The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 8 was incorporated into English law. The Convention stipulates that ‘Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.’ According to Grundberg, the HRA 1998 applies only to government action and not to the actions of private individuals. Furthermore, Article 8 requirements can conflict with the right to freedom of expression, as detailed in Article 10.[10] In Douglas v Hello!, the Douglases and OK Magazine won their case against the publishers of Hello! magazine for breach of confidence. Hello! had published unauthorised photographs of the wedding of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones, in the full knowledge that OK had an exclusive on the story. In addition to winning their claim for breach of confidence however, the Douglases were also awarded damages under the Data Protection Act 1998 by virtue of the fact that the photographs were deemed to be ‘personal data.’[11] The photographs were said to have been unlawfully processed by Hello!, thereby contravening the requirements of the DPA 1998. Lindsay, J stated that, ‘†¦When a data controller (Hello!) is responsible for the publication of hard copies that reproduce data that has previously been processed by means of equipment operating automatically, the publication forms part of the process and falls within the scope of the Act.’[12] Hello! argued tha t their publication fell within the ‘wide journalism exception’ under s.32 of the DPA 1998, a mechanism that was successfully used against Naomi Campbell in the case of Campbell v MGN Ltd[13] at the Court of Appeal. In this case however, Lindsay, J ruled that unlike the Campbell case, there was ‘†¦no credible evidence that Hello! had the necessary belief that the publication was in the public interest, particularly given that the photographs were obtained by trespassing paparazzo and Hello! knew OK was about to publish a wedding exclusive.[14] He continued to assert, ‘That the public would be interested is not to be confused with their being a public interest.’ Kate Brimsted claims that the first principle of the DPA 1998 requires the processing of data to be fair and lawful. In this case, Lindsay, J held that the principle had been breached by Hello! magazine in that their methods of obtaining the photographs were unfair. The magazine had also failed to comply with the requirements laid out in Schedule 2 of the Act in relation to fair and lawful processing. In the case of Hello v Douglas Lindsay, J referred to the case of Peck v UK[15]. In this case, the European Court of Human Rights held that English law had failed to provide Peck with an effective domestic remedy when CCTV images of him looking apparently suicidal were broadcast. Brimsted argues that in the current climate, the DPA 1998 would provide him with a legal remedy by virtue of the fact that he would be entitled to compensation as he suffered ‘by reason of any contravention’ of the Act by the data controller (the broadcaster). In the case of Campbell v MGN Ltd[16] the Mirror newspaper had ran a cover story with the headline ‘Naomi: I am a Drug Addict,’ accompanied by two pictures – one of Naomi Campbell as a glamorous model, the other of her looking casual in jeans and a baseball cap, over the caption ‘Therapy: Naomi outside meeting.’ The Mirror had exposed Naomi Campbell’s attendance at Narcotics Anonymous. In general, the article was deemed to be supportive and sympathetic, though inaccurate in places. The frequency of her attendance was also exaggerated. Campbell took action against MGN Ltd the day the story was published. The Mirror responded by publishing further stories, though the tone of the articles shifted from sympathetic and supportive to aggressive and demeaning; one headline was simply labelled ‘Pathetic’. In the proceedings, Campbell claimed damages for breach of confidence, and compensation under the Data Protection Act 1998. Morland, J upheld her claim, awarding her approximately  £3,500. MGN Ltd subsequently appealed, and this was upheld. Campbell appealed once again to the House of Lords, though this time her appeal was dismissed on the basis that inter alia, the pictures published by MGN Ltd ‘conveyed no private information beyond that discussed in the article†¦there was nothing undignified or distrait about her appearance.’[17] It is worth noting here the difference between this case and Peck v UK, where Peck’s vulnerable and suicidal appearance was a key factor in the final d ecision. Naomi Campbell was involved in further legal proceedings against her former employee Vanessa Frisbee, in Campbell v Frisbee.[18] The News of the World had published an article about apparent sexual encounters between Campbell and the actor Joseph Fiennes. The story had been provided to the newspaper by Vanessa Frisbee, who had been employed by Campbell to provide ‘management services’. It was a term of Frisbee’s contract that she would keep information about Campbell private, and she entered into a Confidentiality Agreement on the 9th February 2000. Frisbee agreed to abide by a number of clauses; namely however that she would not disclose anything to the media without the prior permission of Campbell. It was appreciated in court that Frisbee owed Campbell a duty of confidence, and that the disclosures she had made were clearly a breach of this confidence. Campbell claimed damages or account of profits arising from the breach of confidence. By way of defence, Frisb ee argued that, through a culmination of mistreatment and assault the contract between herself and Campbell had been repudiated, and, even if the court found that this was not the case, she was entitled to sell the story nevertheless, because there was a public interest. Lightman, J held in this case that confidentiality remained binding in respect of confidential information that the employee or contractor had acquired in the course of his or her service, even if the contract had been repudiated by other means[19]. In the case of A v B, the court was concerned with whether or not to grant an injunction to restrain the publication of private information. This information concerned the sexual relations that A, a married professional footballer, had had with two women – C and D. Lord Woolf stated in this case that any interference with the press had to be justified; under s.12 (4) of the Human Rights Act, the court had to have regard to whether or not it would be in the ‘public interest’ for material to be published. Lord Woolf stressed in this case however that, even if there were no obvious special public interest, this did not mean that the court would be justified in interfering with the freedom of the press; he opined that, ‘†¦where an individual was a public figure he was entitled to have his privacy respected in appropriate circumstances. He should recognise however that he must expect and accept that his actions would be more closely scrutinised by the media. ’[20] Lord Woolf appears to be adhering to the school of thought that suggests celebrities, by virtue of their prominent status within society, should appreciate that their lifestyles and activities will be more carefully monitored by the press than ordinary members of the public. Crone suggests that it is unlikely a claimant will be able to restrain the publication of information about his or her private life unless the information ‘†¦is trivial or already in the public domain†¦there is a clear public interest in the publication involving, for example, the detection or exposure of crimes†¦or the claimant can clearly be compensated in damages because, for example, he is prepared to sell the relevant information about his private life, as was the case in Douglas v Hello!.’[21] In answering the question, ‘Should the lives of celebrities be open to press scrutiny,’ the difficulty lies in deciding which information is of sufficient importance for the public to have a justifiable claim to knowing about it. Gibbons claims that in some cases this is reasonably clear, i.e. if facts about anti-social or harmful practices are private, this does not warrant their continued secrecy, and facts relevant to a politician’s ability to govern are required to be publicly known in the interest of society at large. It appears that celebrities are entitled to object if information is private and there is no public interest in the material being published. There are obvious differences between cases such as Campbell v MGN Ltd, where the claimant did not wish the photographs to be published at all, and Douglas v Hello!, where there objections stemmed from the fact that, while they were willing for photographs to be published, they had agreed an exclusive with a magazine in order to protect their commercial interests. It is also interesting to note that now, while the UK does not benefit from a specific privacy law, adequate redress can now be obtained by virtue of the Data Protection Act 1998, and the protection it offers â€Å"by reason of any contravention† of its provisions. Bibliography Barendt, E., Hitchens, L. Media Law: Cases and Materials (2000) London: Longman Law Series Brimsted, Kate for Hebert Smith Data Protection: a Privacy Law By Any Other Name? 15th April 2003 Crone, T. Law and the Media (4th Edition) 2002 Oxford: Focal Press Gibbons, T Regualating the Media (1998) London: Sweet Maxwell CASE LAW A v B Plc Another (2003) QB 195 Campbell v Frisbee (2002) EWCA Civ No. 1374 Campbell v MGN Ltd (2002) Kaye v Robertson (1991) FSR 62 Peck v UK (The Times, 3rd February 2003) STATUTORY PROVISIONS Data Protection Act 1998 Human Rights Act 1998 LEGAL WEBSITES Footnotes [1] Grundberg, P. The ‘New’ Right to Privacy Chapter 8, p.114-130 in Crone, T. Law and the Media (4th Edition) 2002 Oxford: Focal Press [2] Grundberg, P. The ‘New’ Right to Privacy Chapter 8, p.114-130 in Crone, T. Law and the Media (4th Edition) 2002 Oxford: Focal Press [3] Grundberg, P. The ‘New’ Right to Privacy Chapter 8, p.114-130 in Crone, T. Law and the Media (4th Edition) 2002 Oxford: Focal Press [4] Gibbons, T Regualating the Media (1998) London: Sweet Maxwell p.83 [5] Grundberg, P. The ‘New’ Right to Privacy Chapter 8, p.114-130 in Crone, T. Law and the Media (4th Edition) 2002 Oxford: Focal Press [6] Younger Committee Report on Privacy, Cmnd. 5012 (1972) cited in Barendt, E., Hitchens, L. Media Law: Cases and Materials (2000) London: Longman Law Series p.399 [7] Kaye v Robertson (1991) FSR 62 [8] The German Law of Torts (2nd Edition) 1990 p.316 – cited in Barendt, E., Hitchens, L. Media Law: Cases and Materials (2000) London: Longman Law Series p.399 [9] Barendt, E., Hitchens, L. Media Law: Cases and Materials (2000) London: Longman Law Series p.399 [10] Grundberg, P. The ‘New’ Right to Privacy Chapter 8, p.114-130 in Crone, T. Law and the Media (4th Edition) 2002 Oxford: Focal Press [11] Brimsted, Kate for Hebert Smith Data Protection: a Privacy Law By Any Other Name? 15th April 2003 [12] Lindsay, J Douglas v Hello! Cited in Kate Brimsted for Hebert Smith Data Protection: a Privacy Law By Any Other Name? 15th April 2003 [13] Campbell v MGN Ltd (2002) [14] Lindsay, J cited in Hebert Smith Data Protection: a Privacy Law By Any Other Name? 15th April 2003 [15] Peck v UK (The Times, 3rd February 2003) cited by Lindsay, J in Douglas v Hello!, cited in Brimsted, Kate for Hebert Smith Data Protection: a Privacy Law By Any Other Name? 15th April 2003 [16] Campbell v MGN Ltd (2004) UKHL 22 [17] Campbell v MGN Ltd (2004) UKHL 22 [18] Campbell v Frisbee (2002) EWCA Civ No. 1374 [19] Lightman, J Campbell v Frisbee (2002) EWCA Civ No. 1374 [20] A v B Plc Another (2003) QB 195 [21] Crone, T. Law and the Media (4th Edition) (2002) Oxford: Focal Press

Saturday, July 20, 2019

John Steinbecks East of Eden - Good Versus Evil Essay -- East Eden Es

Good Versus Evil in East of Eden    The idea of good versus evil is illustrated in several ways in John Steinbeck's East of Eden. This is seen through the external conflicts in the novel, the internal conflicts of the characters, and a universal understanding of the battle between good and evil.    External conflicts between the main characters, Cathy and Adam, reflect the idea of good versus evil in their relationship. Cathy, who is much like Satan, creates a huge fight between Adam and his brother Charles with her manipulations. Later, she ruins Adam's dreams and breaks his heart when she shoots him and leaves, sending Adam into a deep depression. After twelve years, Adam snaps out of his dream world and confronts Cathy. Cathy is now called Kate and works in a whore house called Faye's. Despite her actions, Adam realizes that he doesn't even hate Cathy for the hurt she has caused him. He finds peace with himself, renewing his once abandoned relationship with his sons. Then there is the relationship between Charles and Adam. Charles physically and mentally abuses Adam to the extent that he tries to kill him when Charles thinks that their father, Cyrus, loves Adam more. Throughout all this Adam still loves Charles, even after he finds out that Charles and Cathy had slept together and his sons may have even been fathered by Charles. Later in the novel, Adam forgives Charles and writes him a letter to try and put their differences aside, only to find out that Charles has died. Cal and Aron are Cathy's twin sons. In their relationship they too have many conflicts, Aron, the "good" son, studies religion and Cal, the "evil" son, gambles and visits whore houses. Aron tries to convert Cal, but Cal refuses to convert a... ...sin, while the second commands him to do so. The inconsistency results in Lee studying the original Hebrew text with his philosophical Chinese elders and a Rabbi. Together they find that the original Hebrew text uses the word timshel : thou mayest rule over sin. This verb emphasizes that a person has the power of free will, putting into his own hands the ultimate decision of whether he will do of good or evil deeds.    The idea that man's relationship with good and evil is not predestined is a central idea in this novel. The conflict between good and evil is a universal battle. Many characters in the novel, East of Eden, struggle both internally and externally with Good versus evil.    Works Cited Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath, The Moon is Down, Cannery Row, East of Eden, Of Mice and Men. New York: Heinemann/Octopus, 1979. pp.475 - 896.

Narrative †My Foolish Faith :: Personal Narrative Essays

Narrative – My Foolish Faith Life without hope in a dull, frustrating world congeals the stuff of human existence...almost. To some, born-lived-died is more than the plot of too many bad novels; it dooms them, chaining their lives to a Maslowian fate. Others drown the raw truth in unrelenting labor, raucous revelry, sunlit spring breezes, cigarettes at noontime, or the bottle. Yet some find hope in this droll, frustrating world, but they will not agree and cannot be sure of that hope. Or can they? Once I could not find hope. I still can't. That's why I leaped for joy when it found me instead. Somehow, by the Grace of God, I find myself with the only, single true hope, a nonsensical faith, a belief I cannot prove with mortal things, a book that turns a hopeless, droll, frustrating world into a beautiful, hopeful, droll, frustrating world where smallest intricacies and biggest setbacks bring joy alike. Did I say my faith makes no sense? I was right. No sane person in his wrong mind would agree to a divine Creator, Revealer, Saviour, Lord, and Friend. Unfortunately, human depravity ensures sane human wrong-mindedness. Once one obtains this hope, the difficulty of Christianity shifts from the foolishness of believing myths to the stupidity of doing what they say. This is my challenge, for God has revealed His will plainly and has promised to help His adopted children understand His Word, the Bible. Once a person agrees to accept the entire Bible as God presents it in the Bible, the test of faith (or mere hope) comes. A mere hoper won't bother (or dare) to keep exactly what God says; a person with true faith will not only try but succeed when he does. Because I have faith in Christ, have escaped the corruption that is in the world, am a partaker of the Divine Nature, and have received many great and precious promises from God Himself, my goal in life is to be diligent in my service of righteousness to God. The society we live in, like any that has seen the noonday sun since the day God spoke it into existence, is utterly depraved, and I am too. It is God himself in my life who works anything in my life that may seem to be faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. Yet there is a war in my life, a war I am very grateful for yet very weary of.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Civil War Journal Essay example -- essays research papers

Dear Journal, August 2, 1863 With Dixie in my heart, today is the day that South Carolina recruited me for this war. I must soon be ready to go to the regiment I was assigned to. I am in the 3rd Infantry Regiment of South Carolina. I would rather have been in the cavalry since, the Great State, I raise horses, but they needed infantry even more. I will do anything to help the Confederacy. Emily, Joseff, and Soo are sad that their Pa is leaving them. I told them not to fret and remember that I am fighting for what our forefathers wanted. They wanted to have an equally distributed government as not to have a ruler and people with no say. That promise has not been kept, and to start anew, we seceded. The children understand, having the Confederate flag gleaming in their eyes. I said my fare-thee-wells to Anna, the children, and the servants. "Never forget me. We will be together under one nation, the Confederate Nation. Our spirits will live on, bringing forth rights to rule as we please." Going off to war is a tough thing to do. I am forced to leave my family, horses, plantation, and slaves to fight for the pride. The proudest of keeping those elements intact. Keeping those in order is a war in itself. -Jonathan Cort Dear Journal, August 17, 1863 The war front is quite an unimaginable experience unless you go through it yourself. We have little rations of horrid food. Hard tack full of meal worms and chicory coffee. Our Mamie's collared greens is what I miss most right now. I do not feel kindly towards the food, but as long as we are able to keep alive on hard tack and goobers, we will fight to the very end. I am on of the newcomers of t... ...he nation. What I got was being a cripple, and a country where Jeff Davis does not prove his States' rights theory. This is not what I was fighting for. I do not think that is what anyone was fighting for. We, the Confederacy, wanted Peace, Love, and Justice and make our country work. Well, now I realize that those thoughts are just wishful thinking for a Southerner. The war still goes on, and life does, but I want it to be over. All what I lived for, is gone in a blast. My family left me, and I am not allowed back into the war. I am too weak to go on anymore either. The doctors gave me Valium to take. I might as well ease the pain of my heart on Christmas Eve to follow the starry night and have it guide me into heaven. I thank you for being there to help me through this. Now I must meet the honored soldiers that have fought bravely. Maybe in the Great States above, it should be the way it is meant to be. As what Michael has said, "La vie Confederate!" -Jonathan

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gender Issues in Special Education Essay

While it is obvious to researchers that males and females are disproportionately served by special education programs, the reasons for the gender bias are not clear. Boys and girls are known to â€Å"comprise equal proportions of the school-aged population;† nevertheless, boys are known to â€Å"account for approximately two-thirds of all students served in special education (Gender as a Factor in Special Education Eligibility, Services, and Results). † Is it because the educational policies of most states of America prefer to send off more boys than girls for special education programs? Or, are there essential differences between boys and girls to account for the gender gap in special education? The present research evaluates the answers to these questions for education professionals to attempt to bridge the gender gap in special education. Are there gender differences to account for the gender gap in special education? Studies on disability have by and large emphasized on commonalities among persons with disabilities instead of addressing gender based differences. This is the reason why there is little known about the different experiences and characteristics of boys and girls with disabilities (Gender as a Factor). It is interesting to note that the problem of the gender gap in special education does not exist in the United States alone. Studies have addressed this topic in relation to the disabled populations in the United Kingdom, Norway, and Canada as well. As a matter of fact, researchers have also noted the differences between the learning needs and academic achievements of boys and girls in the regular classroom. The differences among boys and girls in the regular classroom allow us to infer that boys and girls are, indeed, different in terms of their educational needs and achievements. Hence, the gender gap in special education may exist for a genuine reason. Chapman (2006) writes: Sitting in the same classroom, reading the same textbook, listening to the same teacher, boys and girls receive very different educations. In fact, upon entering school, girls perform equal to or better than boys on nearly every measure of achievement, but by the time they graduate high school or college, they have fallen behind. However, discrepancies between the performance of girls and the performance of boys in elementary education leads some critics to argue that boys are being neglected within the education system. Across the country, boys have never been in more trouble: They earn 70 percent of the D’s and F’s that teachers dole out. They make up two thirds of students labeled â€Å"learning disabled. † They are the culprits in a whopping 9 of 10 alcohol and drug violations and the suspected perpetrators in 4 out of 5 crimes that end up in juvenile court. They account for 80 percent of high school dropouts and attention deficit disorder diagnoses. This performance discrepancy is notable throughout Canada. In Ontario, Education Minister Janet Ecker said that the results of the standardized grade 3 and grade 6 testing in math and reading showed, â€Å"†¦ persistent and glaring discrepancies in achievements and attitudes between boys and girls. † In British Columbia, standardized testing indicates that girls outperform boys at all levels of reading and writing and in Alberta testing shows that girls, â€Å"†¦ significantly outperform boys on reading and writing tests, while almost matching them in math and science. † However, the American Association of University Women published a report in 1992 indicating that females receive less attention from teachers and the attention that female students do receive is often more negative than attention received by boys. In fact, examination of the socialization of gender within schools and evidence of a gender biased hidden curriculum demonstrates that girls are shortchanged in the classroom. Furthermore, there is significant research indicating steps that can be taken to minimize or eliminate the gender bias currently present in our education system. If teachers are, indeed, responsible for giving more attention to boys than the girls, this may very well be a reason why boys are more often referred to special education programs than the girls. Even so, the academic achievement of girls tends to be higher than that of the boys in most regular classrooms. Therefore, there may be no reason to blame the teachers for referring more boys than the girls to special education programs. Vaishnav (2002) writes that boys are more likely to act out in class than the girls simply because boys tend to be more active while girls tend to be more passive. Furthermore, girls are more likely to be compliant, and this attitude on their part can be misleading because girls may be hiding their disabilities behind their compliance. Even so, it is noteworthy that the gender gap in special education varies from school district to school district in the United States. Among the emotionally disturbed children in Milwaukee, for example, only fifty five percent are boys. In Kansas City, on the other hand, almost ninety percent of the students diagnosed as emotionally disturbed are males. In the schools of Massachusetts, males are â€Å"slightly more likely than girls to be identified with hearing or vision problems,† and one and a half times more likely to be identified as mentally retarded (Vaishnav). What is more, males are twice more likely than girls to be labeled with learning disabilities, and â€Å"more than three times as likely to be called emotionally disturbed (Vaishnav). † Are state policies responsible for the gender gap in special education? Data on the gender gap in special education reveals that boys are overrepresented in special education regardless of school district and state. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that the school districts in Massachusetts, on average, refer students for special education programs according to the following ratio for male to female students: 7:3 (â€Å"District Rates: Students with Disabilities by Race and Gender,† 2004). Perhaps this ratio is based on a state policy that requires more males to be referred for special education programs. Indeed, there are three typical reasons cited for the gender gap in special education, one of which is the â€Å"bias in special education referral and assessment procedures (Tschantz & Markowitz, 2003). † The other reasons include the biological and behavioral differences between male and female students. Even so, the reason that points to blatant discrimination in special education requires the collection of data from states to reveal the actual gender gap in special education in different states and school districts. By knowing that the gender gap in a certain state is wider than the gap in another state, for example, we may very well be able to identify the state policies that may be responsible for the difference (Tschantz & Markowitz). Coutinho & Oswald (2005) have conducted a study on state policies with regards to special education. According to the researchers, states that either have a high or low proportion of students assigned to special education programs are more likely to identify more males than females for these programs. Seeing that the law of the United States does not demand school authorities to refer more males than females for special education programs, the authors recommend that all states must collect data to analyze the gender gap in special education. The data that is collected thus would allow researchers to examine where the problem truly lies. Is it because the teachers are referring more males than females because they observe the differences in the classroom? Or, is it because certain school districts prefer to send off more males than females to the special education classroom? The authors further note that the educators may very well be biased in their implementation of identification and referral policies. Hence, a â€Å"vigorous, systematic evaluation† is a necessity in the identification of the real reasons for the gender gap in special education (Coutinho & Oswald). Analysis of the Findings and Conclusion Sanders (2002) confirms the conclusion of Chapman that there is a difference between the levels of attention received by boys and girls in schools. Some of the reasons for the differences are pointed out by the author as the following: (1) The ratio of boys to girls taking the highest level Advanced Placement Test in Computer Science is 9:1; (2) Eighty five percent of girls from eighth to the eleventh grade report that they have been sexually harassed in school, while the percentage is lower for males; (3) All except one of the school shootings in recent years had been committed by white male students; and (4) The average boy in eleventh grade writes at the level of the average girl in eighth grade. Perhaps, therefore, we must agree with the fact that there is a difference in the learning needs and academic achievements of boys and girls also in the regular classroom. The difference between boys and girls in the regular classroom helps us to understand that the gender gap in the special education programs is perhaps a genuine one. However, there is very little research on the differences between males and females with regard to disabilities. This is the reason why researchers are as yet unclear about the real meaning of the gender gap in special education. Research in future must focus on the differences between males and females with regard to disabilities. Only then shall we conclude with certainty that there is a genuine gender gap in special education, perhaps because there are more disabled boys than disabled girls. Vaishnav’s analysis of the reason for the gender gap in special education is very important, seeing that girls are definitely more passive while boys are certainly more active in the classroom. This is the reason why educators find it easier to identify emotionally disturbed boys. Males are also more likely to show their learning disabilities more easily than the females, for the simple reason that boys act out in class more often than the girls. Females may hide their disabilities from their teachers through their passivity and compliance. This analysis carries an important lesson for teachers: perhaps teachers should learn to identify learning disabilities and emotional disturbance in girls by a different method altogether. Psychological, including IQ testing, should definitely help. Research has also suggested that boys are twice more likely than girls to be identified as gifted students (Chapman). If psychological, including IQ testing, is made mandatory for all students, however, the gender gap may very well be bridged. Lastly, it is important to note that researchers have not yet found differences in state policies with regards to the gender gap in special education. There is no state policy that clearly asks for boys to be referred in greater numbers to special education programs. Nevertheless, there are differences among states with respect to the gender gap. Besides, our research on Massachusetts shows that most school districts maintain an average ratio of boys to girls that are referred to special education programs. Even though research would not identify the reason for this average ratio, Countinho & Oswald are correct to conclude that thorough data collection would allow us to analyze the gender gap more easily. By knowing exactly where the gender gap widens or contracts, educational researchers would be able to study the specific school district policies that relate to the same. This would allow them to identify the real reasons for the gender gap in school education, and why it widens or contracts in certain states or school districts as compared to the others. Regardless of limited research on the real reasons of the gender gap in special education, educators are required to pay equal attention to girls and boys in their classrooms. This is, perhaps, the most important lesson to be learned from the present research. After all, by paying more attention to boys, teachers may be negatively impacting the lives of countless gifted girls. Similarly, there may be countless learning disabled girls who may benefit from special education programs even though their teachers have not identified them as learned disabled. Equal opportunity in education is of the essence. Psychological testing, including IQ testing, is certainly expected to help educators along the way. References Chapman, A. (2006). Gender Bias in Education. Research Room. Retrieved Nov 25, 2007, from http://www. edchange. org/multicultural/papers/genderbias. html. Coutinho, M. J. , & Oswald, D. (2005, Jan 1). State variation in gender disproportionality in special education: findings and recommendations. Remedial and Special Education. District Rates: Students with Disabilities by Race and Gender. (2004, Oct 1). Massachusetts Department of Education. Retrieved Nov 25, 2007, from http://www. doe. mass. edu/InfoServices/reports/enroll/sped05/rg. pdf. Gender as a Factor in Special Education Eligibility, Services, and Results. Retrieved Nov 25, 2007, from http://www. iteachilearn. com/uh/meisgeier/statsgov20gender. htm. Sanders, J. (2002, Nov 1). Something Is Missing from Teacher Education: Attention to Two Genders. Phi Delta Kappan. Tschantz, J. , & Markowitz, J. (2003, Jan). Gender and Special Education: Current State Data Collection. Quick Turn Around. Retrieved Nov 25, 2007, from http://www. nasdse. org/publications/gender. pdf. Vaishnav, A. (2002, Jul 8). Some Say Boys Singled Out for Wrong Reasons. The Boston Globe.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Great Talkers Little Doers

In addition to commercial advertisement and ideological propagandathere is social advertising, which refers to the advertisements whichdeal with social causes and ar aimed at the welf be and well-being of the people. Its backside audience is not specific folk but the masses who trick be ameliorate close to soci every last(predicate)y relevant issues equal health, familywelf atomic number 18, literacy, national security, to mention a a few(prenominal) issues only. Theimportance of such advertisements has reached such heights that redden the brass falls back upon them quite often to highlight theissues to immediate concern.Undoubtedly, in forthwiths context, carryingout campaigns by social chat is of paramountimportance. The society, the deliverance, the politics and the mediaexposure ar bringing about changes which be so radical and dynamicthat they are creating dissonance and upheavals. In order to withstandthe disallow effects of changes, we certainly need these ki nds of campaigns through advertising or propaganda, for sustainingcommunication with the masses at large. In short, advertising not onlyinfluences the buyers perception but withal his responses to socialproblems.It has its negative effects but the unconditional side far out-stripsthe negative side. WE intercourse MORE, WORK LESS Undeniably, there are millions of people in India who think lesser,act even little but express in any case much. Indulgence in all in(p) gossip, disgruntledattitudes, nipping criticism of all and mixed, frustration all over their sorryplight, fate and kismat, contain in fact reach national pas meters. Thenumber of those who gutter claim that they keep their spit indoors theirlips and never talk in self-conceited is limited. The talk of the common people,mostly irresponsible, creates the impression that they redeem little to do.Indians are indeed typical of the people of the Orient who have nothingworthwhile to say, and besides contrive to spend the longest time in sayingit. Those who have endless time on their hands are peachy(p) babblers. Thinking and reflection postulate a certain degree of education andintellectual development. rough 64 per cent of the people in India areilliterate so they have not certain the qualities of thinking andreflection. Montesquieu truly give tongue to that the less men think, the morethey talk. India is a land of ten thousand tongues. The 1961 census listed1652 languages as mother tongues talk in India, and the 1971census, retaining he number, presented a around more realisticpicture. Judged by any standard, India is Babel of tongues, by chance thelargest in the world. This Babel has been the outcome of a additive process resulting from the influx of various races into the rusticthrough the centuries. Talkers are never ethical doers this explains theproverbial sloth, idleness and complacency of the average Indian. Ourmaterial output, our productivity and production, our ne t contributionto the spheres Gross National increase (GNP) are all far to a fault low.Whilepeople should learn to use their hands and to be active all the time(like the Japanese who have raised their country to the pinnacle of halo despite the havoc do to their economy during World War II), wehave mastered the proficiency of whiling away time talking and talking,doing little positive, constructive and concrete live. Jawaharlal Nehru, in a speech way back in 1952, said he wastired of people who nevertheless talk about various things. yet wise youmay be (in India the number of truly wise, sagacious men and womenis limited), he said, you can never enter into the spirit of a thing if youonly talk about it and do nothing.We do not know the mensurate of time sowe do not take heed spending precious hours in idle gossip. In part thedisinclination to be up and doing all the time is the result of ourfatalistic beliefs and attitudes. nigh of us tend to believe that what Godhas ordai ned cannot be averted. What ordain be, will be so, they argue,why needlessly waste energy in thwarting Gods will? Besides, there are many among us who believe that flatter(prenominal)y isthe shortest route to triumph in todays India. The wide talkers, thewily, garrulous politicians who sway audiences through their bodacious talk,all manage to mislead the people and uphold their selfish ends.Aflatterer is in the excellent attach to of imitators because imitation isconsidered the sincerest form of flattery. The easiest weapon adoptedby flatterers and sycophants is undisturbed talk, not cause. A ready and glibtongue has at multiplication proved to be a more precious weapon than gifts of immediate payment and kind. Through a facile tongue the flatterers continually createillusions and a world of make-believe. around all great talkers are greatflatterers approbation inevitably becomes their forte. Then there are those hose talk mostly comprises advice to alland sundry on every thing on earth. Like job and water, advice too canbe had free. Self-appointed advisers are great talkers they talk theirway into your hearts and they even shoot away rationality, good senseand the quality of cracking between chalk and cheese. Asking foradvice is to foul up for flatterers. And flattery feeds the ego and isexhilarating. Most talkers become bores. But let it be said in defense of the growing family of talkers that they do manage at times to relieveboredom.A quiet gathering at which all those present are serious-minded people deeply engrossed in thought and school of thought wouldappear to maintain the silence of the graveyard. The talkers relatefunny incidents, describe merry experiences and entertain theircredulous listeners, quieten and comfort the people, for hours together. there is no tax on talk and gossip. So the idle, endless talker flourishesat the exist of the silent, constructive worker. It is the latter who canhelp ensure national progress, not the ceaseless twisters of the tongue,even though the latter manage to find credulous audiences.True,sincere and bona fide workers cannot stand non-sensical postures,including nonsense talk. But work does not lie in march up anddown the streets, shouting slogans and lodging protests. many of ustend to resort to strikes and work stoppages. Undeniably, our future amongst nations, and the good name of our country, depends entirely upon our work and work alone. Muchvaluable work can be done silently and without becoming noisy orindulging in aimless talk. If everyone realises the truth of this dictum,the salvation of the country would not be far get rid of

The Effects of Standardized Tests on Education

order pop outpourings experience been debated and argued for as many years as they have existed. It is worthwhile to look at whatsoever of the arguments for both sides and find out if there mint be virtually middle ground. Two principal(prenominal) factors of regulate tests atomic number 18 the way the tests ar administered and how the results atomic number 18 handled. These two issues whitethorn be more(prenominal) valu competent than the tests themselves. on that post must be ways to have ac pressability in closely areas of society. In trains, we involve to know if teachers are teaching and if assimilators are learning.There has to be some way to judge whether the system is working. order tests chamberpot show students strengths and weaknesses. Ideally, teachers then give strategies to address the needs of the student that the test has outlined. These tests can facilitate predict selection at college, apology for scholarships, and selection for employme nt. They can document achievement, both for the student and the teacher. The fundamental ideas behind the construction and exercising of tests are non beyond our understanding.Says Andrew J. Strenio Jr.These tests own that the examinee does have the requisite skills and competencies needed to alumna from high civilize programs, practice in an production line or profession, or nail elevated stead within a profession. (Defending Standardized interrogatory Phelps, Ric grueling. We could non function in society without some basic standards and these standards need to be uniform throughout our society. Chauncey and Dobbin write in their book examen Its Place in Education nowadaysEvery cultivate and almost every teacher uses a test at some point in the sue of planning instruction that pull up s find outs fit the student and his capacities.Standardized testing is al cardinal a larger scale for comparison. It offers feedback to the student and the nurture system active wher e achievement is in plastered areas. But it should non be the only criteria for what we take success. There is a great deal of condemnation of similar tests. Making test piles humans is a way to see them as indicators of school quality. This has increased their value 100% exclusively not in a particularly good way. Officials use an assortment of bribes and threats to coerce everyone into concentrating on test results.If the scores are high, the bribes may include bonuses for teachers and schools. Students may receive food, tickets to theme parks or sporting events, exemptions from in-class nett exams, and even scholarships. The threats include loss of funding or accreditation for schools, while students may be held back a year or denied a high school diploma if they come int test well, disregardless of their over-all academic record. All together, these tactics are know as high stakes testing.There may not be data on this, but Alfie Kohn states the people who work most cl osely with kids are the most likely to understand the limits of standardized tests. He says that support for testing seems to grow as you break down away from the students, going from teacher to principal to rally office administrator to school board phallus to state board member, state legislator, and governor. 3 Standardized Minds by Peter Sacks talks about the unquestioned position of standardized testing which he hurt an unhealthy and enduring obsession.He as well as writes about the cost of all this testing. The amount Americans overlook taking tests, preparing for tests, scoring tests, and data track magnificently voluptuous testing programs in schools, colleges and the workplace is stunning, probably running in the billions of dollars each year. It is possible that Americans may be taking as many as 600 billion standardized tests annually, or more than two tests per year for every man, woman, and child in the United States. immoderate demands of higher scores fro m schools has many negative results. Alfie Kohn says Teachers are beginning to tire of the pressure, the skewed priorities, and the disrespectful sermon as they are forced to enforce a curriculum largely determined by test manufacturers or state legislators. A militaryile environment develops as teachers feel the need to prove that get-go scores were not their fault. An unhealthy competition is passel up between teachers.High-stakes testing has led to widespread cheating. Recently, capital of Georgia schools cheating scandal has been front summon news. An bind in Substance News by George N. Schmidt on Dec. 26, 2010 details the depth and breadth of the CRCT scandal. The article is part of series that has examined the statistically improbable gains in test scores in Atlanta schools and how school district officials responded to them. The money spent on this investigating could probably build a new school.The vista of higher scores means teachers are more likely to teach t o the test and become recital sergeants. Other things like fine arts illuminate to the wayside as math and science are emphasized. From the book Standardized Minds Researchers have found systematically that one of the most damaging effects of large-scale, big-stakes standardized testing in schools has been to (1) oversimplify whats taught in school and (2) to severely constrict what is taught to only those items most likely to appear on an upcoming standardized test. There is blame and consequence to cheating, whether it is outright erasures on tests or days of teaching the test. But it should help us to rethink the pressures on high-stakes testing. Maybe the Atlanta cheating scandal can show us that our response to the test score is way out of line. School districts, schools, teachers, and students should not have to be tried and true under such extreme pressure. This threatening automatic teller machine checks cheating a likelihood. Grades and test scores dont tell us what w e really necessitate to know about somebody.The Case Against Standardized scrutiny includes a list offered by educator batting order Ayers Standardized tests cant measure initiative, creativity, imagination, abstract thinking, curiosity, effort, irony, judgment, commitment, nuance, good will, ethical reflection, or a host of other valuable dispositions and attributes. What they can measure and count are isolated skills, specific facts and functions, the least provoke and least significant aspects of learning. Maybe it is not a bad test but how the results are handled.Daniel Koretz in Measuring Up talks about the limits of test scores. He says What education leaders wish is a fair, straight-forward measure of school performance, to be able to monitor schools and hold them accountable. The problem is that we tend to overrating what tests can do. Tests are not goaled to summate all that students and schools can do. By the analogous token Andrew Strenio states that Standardize d tests convey an illusion of very much greater precision than they are actually open(a) of achieving.Learning is a process and process is be as movement, a series of actions or changes. That is what makes it hard to precisely measure. So maybe we should not gloaming so much on standardized tests. Instead, make them a component of the over-all measurement of quality achievement. Valerie Janesick states in The Assessment Debate that Learning does not take place by sheer dumb mishap or luck . It takes place by design. She makes reference to Grant Wiggins saying the goal is not instant reform or instant versed but rather a continuous process that results in understanding.Priscilla Vail states Above all, parents, students, and educators must ring that a test only shows what one somebody did on one exercise on one day. A standardized test score is not a license to live or a measure of deserving oxygen and space on our planet. The opportunity to demonstrate what you know can too be done with portfolio assessment, group or individualistic projects, and take-home exams. We should strive to create schools that help students flourish. We should besides strive to hire administrators who can develop and implement new criteria for measuring achievement that could go on with the standardized tests.